Monday, October 5, 2009


to feel sorrow or remorse for (an act, fault, disappointment, etc)

What if I have lost a friend
I like him
I like him enough to be with him, but I respect him and his situation enough to just be his friend.
I am tired
Of receiving blow after blow against the closed doors that leads to my emotions, that lead to my heart
I want to find a safe place to open the doors
I am tired
Of hurling hurtful words at open doors...trying in vain to right wrongs that I didn't create
I am tired of watching the destruction, its like a bad movie
Never ending
Recurring over and over again
Going round like a circle
Like a Phoenix's life cycle
I am scared that I'll be the next one walking the line to destruction
But with no one to fight against my open doors trying in vain to set me free....

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