An assignment for my photography class I'm taking this semester. I bought a 35mm camera for this class and we use slide film so I won't be able to show the work I do in this class. I'll try to get out with my digital camera on the days I'm not shooting for this class.
I've noticed this sign a couple of times on my way to yoga class, but never had my camera with me. I was a little early to class on Monday and was able to stop and capture this lovely message. I'm glad they didn't paint over it.
I just found this article on Black Girl with Long Hair, I've been visting this site for a couple of weeks now. Any way the article is a interview of a white father who does his ethiopian daughter's hair. She's 5 years old, and I think they adopted her when she was one. I think its a wonderful thing that her parents are keeping her hair in its natural state. She is beautiful!