Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Long time

I've been so Busy(with a capital b!!)...But I'm having fun at the same time!!!College makes you tired but its for the Any-who I recently meet the man behind The Weblicist of Manhattan his pictures are amazing check him out!!

I've been working and doing the school thing but I found the time the go to strandbook store. I love this have to check them out!!! Do you know about MisShapes? I'd tell you to read the book but its full of pictures...the best kind no?!!!

I got a chance to take so nice pictures too walking around the village!!!!

Just a little taste for now more when I blow!!!!

lata Netchem

1 comment:

Aiesha said...

Nice post. You should really post more -- at least once a week. I can see you growing as a person through your posts, but I think that you would get more out of the process if you put a little more effort into it.